Spotlight on standards: Rules for ramps

Australian Standards 1428.1 ‘Design for Access and Mobility’ is the gold standard for the design of ramps for people with a disability.  AS1428.1 sets out the minimum technical details for new construction work of ‘accessible buildings’ (E.g: A hospital, library or certain Aged Care Facilities). Whilst compliance is not mandatory for existing residential homes, Bright Point uses the standard as a strict guideline for best-practise when modifications are being made to an existing home to improve accessibility for those with a disability/restricted mobility. When an existing residential structure cannot accomodate the technical requirements of AS1428.1, we make intelligent design decisions (in collaboration with OT’s and the end client) to adapt a solution that delivers maximum safety within the constraints that a building may present.

Over 23 pages of the 100+ page standard directly relates to technical requirements for ramps & walkways. Here we touch on gradients & construction options.

The three main classifications of ramps under AS1428.1, and permitted gradients:

  • Threshold Ramps: Max rise of 35mm. Max gradient 1:8

  • Step Ramps: Max rise of 190mm. Max gradient 1:10

  • Ramps: The maximum gradient of a ramp that exceeds 1900mm in length shall be 1:14.

We are here to work with OT’s to manage other details such as required kerbs, hand-rails, circulation space and ramp edges. 

When specifying a step ramp, what options are there?

Ramps can come in all shapes, sizes and materials. The best material to use depends on a ramps location, as such Bright Point offers ramp solutions using a number of options. Here we discuss four appropriate materials, and the key benefits they provide.

Rubber ramps:

Rubber ramps are an excellent off-the-shelf option, however they often need to be customised to fit a specific situation.

+ Quick to install / Large range of standard sizes in 1:8 & 1:10 / Despite weight, relatively easy to move.

Timber Ramps:

We use top grade marine plywood and marine epoxy paint offering excellent slip resistance. Leading edges are fitted with quality aluminium thresholds to ensure a smooth & durable ramp entry/exit point.

+ Perfect when a bespoke design (colour/shape) is required.

FRP Ramps (Fibre Reinforced Plastic)

FRP is a strong, ultra durable mesh that allows water drainage through the platform. Bright Point can custom build FRP ramps in a range of shapes and colours.

+ Ultra durable / eliminates water intrusion issues into a home that can be associated with solid rubber or timber ramps.


Concrete should be considered where a permanent solution with the ultimate in durability is required. Drainage does need to be considered to ensure water intrusion back into a home does not become a problem. A concrete ramp also needs to rest on a solid foundation, and is not appropriate in certain circumstances.

+ Ultimate in strength and durability.


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